effects of surface area on rate

Cards (20)

  • What should you be able to describe by the end of this video?
    The effective surface area of solid reactants
  • What is required for a chemical reaction to take place according to collision theory?
    Reacting particles must collide with sufficient energy
  • How is the rate of a chemical reaction determined?
    By the frequency of successful collisions
  • What does the term frequency refer to in the context of chemical reactions?
    The number of successful collisions per second
  • How does the surface area of a solid reactant affect the rate of a reaction?
    A greater surface area increases the rate of reaction
  • What happens to the particles in a solid reactant that are not on the surface?
    They cannot react with particles in solution
  • What is the effect of increasing the surface area of a solid reactant?
    It leads to more collisions per second
  • What is the relationship between surface area to volume ratio and reaction rate?
    Smaller blocks have a greater surface area to volume ratio
  • How can you investigate the effective surface area on the rate of reaction?
    By changing the surface area of marble chips
  • What chemical does calcium carbonate react with in the experiment?
    Hydrochloric acid
  • What gas is produced when calcium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric acid?
    Carbon dioxide gas
  • How can the volume of carbon dioxide gas be measured in the experiment?
    Using a gas syringe or measuring cylinder
  • Why is a gas syringe preferred over a measuring cylinder?
    It provides more accurate results
  • How can the rate of reaction be calculated using mass loss?
    By measuring the mass decrease as gas is produced
  • What role does cotton-wool play in the mass loss experiment?
    It allows gas to escape but prevents acid splashes
  • What could cause an anomalous result in the mass loss experiment?
    Acid splashing out of the flask
  • Where can you find questions on effective surface area and reaction rates?
    In the vision workbook linked in the video
  • What is the process of how surface area affects reaction rates?
    • Reacting particles collide
    • More surface area leads to more collisions
    • Increased collisions result in a higher reaction rate
  • What are the methods to measure the rate of reaction in the experiment with marble chips?
    1. Measure volume of carbon dioxide gas produced
    2. Measure mass loss of carbon dioxide gas
  • What are the key points about surface area and reaction rates?
    • Greater surface area increases reaction rate
    • Smaller blocks have higher surface area to volume ratio
    • More surface particles lead to more collisions