
Cards (17)

  • What should you be able to do by the end of the video?
    Give examples of how humans use resources
  • What is the difference between finite and renewable resources?
    Finite resources cannot be replaced quickly
  • How does modern agriculture help meet the world's needs for cotton?
    It allows us to grow enough cotton efficiently
  • How are trees used in relation to earth's resources?
    Trees are used for timber and fuel
  • What type of fuel do many power stations run on now?
    Biofuels such as wood chips
  • What has chemistry replaced in some cases regarding natural resources?
    Synthetic alternatives for natural resources
  • From where does natural rubber come?
    From the sap of a tree
  • What percentage of rubber used globally is synthetic?
    Around two-thirds
  • What does it mean for a resource to be finite?
    It cannot be replaced quickly
  • Why are fossil fuels considered finite resources?
    They form much slower than they are used
  • How can renewable resources be characterized?
    They can be replaced as quickly as used
  • What does it mean for human activities to be sustainable?
    Meet needs without harming future generations
  • How does chemistry contribute to resource usage?
    It helps grow food and provide safe water
  • What do artificial fertilizers allow us to do?
    Grow more food with available land
  • What processes help extract metals more efficiently?
    Phyto mining and bio leaching
  • What are the key roles of chemistry in resource management?
    • Provides artificial fertilizers for food growth
    • Ensures safe drinking water
    • Enhances metal extraction efficiency
  • What are the types of resources discussed in the video?
    • Finite resources
    • Renewable resources