Atypicalsex chromosome patterns are any sex chromosome pattern that deviates from the usual XX or XY formation
Kleinefelter's syndrome is a syndrome affecting males where they have an extra X chromosome (XXY)
Physical symptoms of Kleinefelter's syndrome are a tall thin physique, small infertile testes, enlarged breast tissue, reduced body hair
Cognitive and behavioural symptoms of Kleinfelters are poorly developed language skills, shyness & passivity, low libido, problems with executive functions
Turner's syndrome is a chromosomal disorder where women only have one X chromosome (XO)
Physical symptoms of Turner's syndrome are no menstrual cycle, ovaries fail to develop, broad 'shield' chest, low-set ears, webbed necks, high waist-to-hip ratio
Cognitive and behavioural symptoms of Turner's syndrome are high reading ability, low spacial/visual/mathematical ability, socially immature, difficulty fitting in