In an organisation with a power culture, power is held by just a few individuals or a central figure, whose influence spreads throughout the organisation and who determines the dominant culture
Power cultures are often found in small businesses or in businesses who have very charismatic leaders e.g. Steve Jobs at Apple
There are few rules and relegations in a power culture, what the boss says goes
What those with power decide, is what happens
Employees are generally judged by what they achieve rather than how they do things or how they act
A consequence of this can be quick decision-making, even if those decisions arent in the best long-term interests of the organisation
A power culture is usually a strong culture, though it can swiftly turn toxic
The collapse of Enron, Lehman Brothers and RBS is often attributed to a strong power culture
Power culture organisations include; Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Tesla, Space X, X and the Boring Company