Power Culture

Cards (11)

  • Relatively autocratic
  • In an organisation with a power culture, power is held by just a few individuals or a central figure, whose influence spreads throughout the organisation and who determines the dominant culture
  • Power cultures are often found in small businesses or in businesses who have very charismatic leaders e.g. Steve Jobs at Apple
  • There are few rules and relegations in a power culture, what the boss says goes
  • What those with power decide, is what happens
  • Employees are generally judged by what they achieve rather than how they do things or how they act
  • A consequence of this can be quick decision-making, even if those decisions arent in the best long-term interests of the organisation
  • A power culture is usually a strong culture, though it can swiftly turn toxic
  • The collapse of Enron, Lehman Brothers and RBS is often attributed to a strong power culture
  • Power culture organisations include; Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Tesla, Space X, X and the Boring Company
  • Summary of power culture
    • control radiates from the centre
    • concentrates power among a few
    • few rules
    • swift decision making