
Cards (6)

  • Atmospheric water
    Water found in the atmosphere; mainly water vapour with some liquid water (cloud and rain droplets) and ice crystals
  • Discharge
    The amount of water in a river flowing past at a particular point, expressed in cumecs
  • Greenhouse gas
    Any gaseous compound in the atmosphere that allows short wave ultraviolet radiation from the Sun to pass through the atmosphere, but then prevents outgoing terrestrial infrared radiation from escaping to space
  • Hydrosphere
    A discontinuous layer of water at or near the Earth's surface. It includes all liquid and frozen surface waters, groundwater held in soil and rock and atmospheric water vapour.
  • Oceanic water
    The water contained in the Earth's oceans and seas but not including such inland seas as the Caspian sea.
  • Terrestrial water
    This consists of groundwater, soil moisture, lakes, wetlands and rivers