Role Culture

Cards (11)

  • Power is hierarchical and clearly defined in a company's job descriptions
  • A persons power derives from their place or role within a highly structured organisation
  • Detailed rules indicate how people and departments interact with each other, suppliers and customers
  • Organisations with a role culture are based on rules
  • Role cultures are highly controlled, with everyone in the organisation knowing what their roles and responsibilities are
  • Power in a role culture is determined by a person's position in the organisational structure
  • Role cultures are build on detailed organisational structures which are typically tall with a long chain of command
  • A consequence of role culture is that decision-making in role cultures can often be painfully slow and the organisation is likely to take risks
  • Organisations with role cultures tend to be very bureaucratic
  • Organisations like the Army have a role culture
  • Summary of role culture
    • people have clearly delegated authorities within a highly defined structure
    • hierarchical bureaucracy
    • power derives from a person's position
    • little scope exists for expert power