Bowlby's monotropic theory

Cards (6)

  • Bowlby's monotropic theory believed...
    -attachment had a biological basis and sees attachment as an innate process where the child is born with biological abilities to seek an attachment type.
  • Stages of monotropic theory:
    -Adaptive: a child is born with biological ability to seek out an attachment figure which increases survival as it helps meet their needs and protect themselves from danger.
  • Stages of monotropic theory:
    Social releasers: behaviours like cooing, crying and holding hands out to draw attention from adult to the infant. These behaviours ensure the infant is in close proximity to the caregiver. This increases the chance of forming an attachment
  • Stages of monotropic theory
    -Critical period: is the time frame given for babies to form an attachment with caregiver. For humans it is around 2.5 years. If no attachment is formed then there may be issues with later relationships.
  • Stages of monotropic theory:
    -Monotropy: is the one most important attachment formed usually with the primary caregiver which is usually the mother.
  • Stages of monotropic theory:
    -Internal working model: creates a template/schema for your future relationships.
    -It influences later relationships and future parenting skills.