
Cards (3)

  • Research support for NSI
    • Evidence supports
    • Some of Asch's participants said they conformed because they felt self-conscious giving the correct answer and they were afraid of disapproval
    • Conformity fell to 12.5% when participants wrote their answer down
    • This is because giving the answer privately means that there is no normative group pressure
  • Research support for ISI
    • Research evidence supports (Lucas et al)
    • Participants conformed more often to incorrect answers they were given when the maths problems were difficult
    • This is because the situation became ambiguous so they relied on the other answers
  • Individual differences in NSI
    • Limitation
    • NSI does not predict conformity in every case
    • Some people are greatly concerned with being liked by others
    • They are called nAffiliators - they have a strong need for 'affiliation'
    • McGhee and Teevan found that students who were nAffiliators were more likely to conform
    • This shows that NSI underlies conformity for some people more than it does for others