Cards (29)

  • one political right that citizens have in the USA is the right to vote. this means that US citizens have the right to participate in and accept the outcome of local or federal elections. For example, US citizens voted in the US presidential election in 2024 which was won by Donald Trump
  • another political right US citizens have is the right to speech. In. The Bill of Rights free speech is the first amendment, which allows people to express their opinion freely even if it is critical of many sensitive matters. for example, the Westboro Baptist Church in the USA is a cult of around 100 people. this relatively small group stand outside (picket) the funerals of gay people and shout remarks or hold up offensive signs. in many other developed countries this would not be allowed, but the US Constitution protects their freedom of speech even though this is offensive and hurtful.
  • the US Constitution is a document which establishes a set of rules and rights that the people in the USA can live by. For example, the constitution is sometimes interpreted as being a document that shouldn’t be changed. The Supreme Court currently has 6 conservative judges out of 9 who agree with this and they are sometimes called ‘Originalists‘
  • One way that you can participate in American politics is by standing as a candidate. In the US, most citizens are allowed to stand as a candidate in federal, state and local elections. The Squad (a group of progressive democratic representatives) show that normal people can get elected without getting large donations from wealthy groups or donors. For example, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was from a poor background but she still defeated the person who held the district of Queens, New York for 20 years.
  • the NRA are an interest group who are opposed to US government putting in place stricter gun laws. They believe that if the government, for instance introduces background checks (this would prevent people with certain criminal convictions or mental health problems being allowed to buy a gun) it would eventually lead to the 2nd Amendment, which allows US citizens the right to own a gun, being abolished
  • One reason why some groups are less likely to participate is voter suppression. Voter suppression are tactics used to discourage or prevent specific groups of people from voting or registering to vote. For example, voter ID laws are more likely to effect and prevent black people from voting in US elections.
  • What is one reason poorer Americans are less likely to vote?

    They have much lower voting rates
  • What is political apathy?

    The feeling that leaders aren't working for them
  • What factors contribute to lower voting rates among poorer Americans?
    Lack of polling stations and ID, poor health
  • What percentage of potential voters with low family incomes voted in the 2016 presidential election?
  • What percentage of potential voters with higher family incomes voted in the 2016 presidential election?
  • How does the voting rate of poorer Americans compare to that of non-poor Americans?
    Poorest Americans vote at lower rates
  • What are the main reasons for lower voting rates among poorer Americans?
    • Political apathy
    • Lack of polling stations
    • Lack of ID
    • Poor health
  • Old people are significantly more likely to vote than young people. 64% of citizens age 65 and older voted in the November 2018 election, the best turnout of any age group. People under age 45 are much less likely to vote. Just 31% of 25 to 34 year olds voted in the November 2018 election, and not even one third of the youngest citizens - 18 to 24 - voted in 2018.
  • Another factor which influences likelihood to participate in US politics is wealth. This means that those higher up the income scale are more likely to vote than those lower down. This is arguably because they feel that politics and politicians impact their lives and care about their concerns. For example, 46% of potential voters with family incomes less than twice the federal poverty line (poorer) voted in the 2016 election, compared with 68% of those with family incomes above twice the poverty line (wealthier)
  • Three main branches of US government
    • the legislative (HoR and the Senate)
    • the judiciary (Supreme Court)
    • the executive (president and cabinet)
  • One main political institution of the government in the USA is the executive branch. the executive is led by the US president and the commander in chief. it is the head of the US Federal Government. Its role is to recommend laws to the US congress.
  • Another main political institution of the US government is the legislative branch. The legislative branch is led by the US congress - the US Senate and House of Representatives. Its role is to pass laws, approve budgets and declare war.
  • main democratic beliefs
    • considered liberal (left wing)
    • in favour of gay rights
    • pro-choice
    • in favour of gun control
  • main republican beliefs
    • considered conservative or right wing
    • against gay rights
    • against gun control
    • climate change deniers
  • One reason why some groups are under-represented in US politics is because it is harder for female candidates to be elected opposed to male ones. This is because in the news media, women are presented differently than men on occasion. There is more of a focus on appearance and they are often described in sexist terms. For example, Kim Kardashian was pictured on the New York Post in an uncomfortably sexist and sexual form after visiting Trump about prison reform. These comments on her body made it more difficult for her to be taken seriously.
  • A second reason why some groups are under-represented in US. politics is because the wealthy have significantly more influence in elections. It is very expensive to stand as a candidate in US politics. In 2024, there was 16 billion dollars spent in total on the US presidential election, which made it the most expensive campaign ever. A majority of congress are millionaires and the median level of wealth is 1 million dollars, which shows that poorer people in US society are under-represented and the wealthy are over-represented
  • economic influence of the USA
    One way that the USA can economically influence other countries is by placing a tariff. A tariff is a tax placed on another country’s goods (exports). Since Donald Trump entered power in 2017, he has targeted Chinese goods with tariffs and China has responded with a similar tax on US goods. After his election in 2024, Trump has recently placed a 25% tariff/tax on Chinese Steel.
  • One way the US have had a political impact on other countries is by leaving the Paris Climate agreement. The Paris Climate Agreement is an organisation looking to completely eradicate fossil fuels. In 2017, Donald Trump led the USA to be the first developed country to leave it.
  • Another way the US have had a political impact on other countries is by using a veto. A veto is when a country can say no to a law, meaning it instantly isn’t put through. For example, the US have used their veto more than any other country (4 times)
  • One way that the US can influence other countries is through its foreign military bases. The US has lots of military bases dotted around the world. These are a number of different sizes, with some having significant equipment and troop numbers and others being very small. For example, the US has 800 foreign military bases including five built in Iraq since the Iraq war and one the size of the Vatican city in Baghdad
  • Another way in which the US has influenced other countries military is by providing military aid. The US is the largest contributor of military aid to foreign countries in the world, with its Department of Defence providing funding and American military hardware aid to over 150 countries annually for defence purposes. The biggest recipient of military aid in the post war period has been Israel. in 2016, the US promised Israel 38 billion dollars in military aid over the next decade. Since October 7th 2023, the US has given Israel further billions.
  • The federal minimum wage in the United States has been $7.25 per hour since July 2009. In the United States, different states are able to set their own minimum wages independent of the federal government. It has not been raised since 2009 at federal level. In January 2022 it was raised to $11.25 an hour for Government employees. As of January 2025, there were 30 states with a minimum wage higher than the federal minimum. Washington D.C has the highest minimum wage at $17.50
  • Another way the USA has influenced countries economically is by embargo. An embargo is an offical ban on trade or other commercial activity with a particular country. When a powerful country does this to a weaker one it can have an extremely negative impact on that country and sometimes make them change their political system. For example, The US has had a near complete embargo on Cuba for over 60 years. This has been somewhat successful. While Cuba is still a communist county it arguably has not developed as successfully with the embargo in place.