Working Class and Crime

Cards (8)

  • Merton says working class people commit crime due to a blocked access to opportunities in society and will innovate new ways of gaining success
  • Subcultural strain theories believe the reason for working class crime is because of status frustration and focal concerns that create a desire for peer group status by delinquent subcultures
  • Control Theory states that working class people lack most of the bonds to society which allows them to commit crime
  • Crimogenic Capitalism may promote working class crime
  • Labelling Theory says working class offenders are more likely to be labelled as deviant
  • Left Realists believe a combination of marginalisation, relative deprivation and subcultures cause working class crime
  • Right Realists believe poor and inadequate socialisation of the working class cause the increase in crime
  • Postmodernists believe that working class crime is for the pleasures and excitement from a mundane life of social exclusion