Elizabeth's Archbishops

Cards (3)

  • Matthew Parker (1559-75)
    • Largely responsible for implementing Elizabeth’s religious settlement
    • Not eye to eye on religious views, remained in office until death
    • Elizabeth disliked clergy marriage, he defended it
    • Initial plan to prevent cleric from living with wife and family in any cathedral or college
    • Unpopular because of him
    • She relented over cathedrals but not colleges
    • Worked well together, put Elizabethan church on a firm foothold
    • Despite their differing opinions; strength of their partnership can be seen as success in early years
  • Edmund Grindal (1575-83)
    • Puritan sympathy; push church in Puritan direction irritated her
    • Clashed over ‘prophesyings’
    • Unauthorised meetings for prayer/preaching
    • Concerned Elizabeth
    • Felt preachers wouldn't preach sound doctrine
    • Undermine her church
    • Suspicious of Puritans and their hierarchy dislike
    • 1576
    • Ordered to suppress them
    • He thought them a good for religious instruction
    • He surveyed, 10/15 bishops approved
    • Told queen she had highest political authority but not highest spiritual authority
    • Suspended him from office in 1577 summer until death '83
  • John Whitgift (1583-1604)
    • Got on well
    • Shared many of same views and aspirations
    • Also suspicious of Puritans
    • Worked hard to protect Church from Catholics and was unmarried (pleased Elizabeth)
    • She had great comfort from his presence and prayers
    • Remained in office at James I accession and crowed Stuart King at Westminster Abbey
    • Died Feb 1604 and buried in Croydon