Romanian Orphan studies

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  • effects of institutionalisation
    -Romanian Orphans were placed straight into state care from birth. Using a longitudinal design.
    -Physical underdevelopment: stunted growth and physically smaller than children of similar age.
    -Cognitive delay: low cognitive development and functioning leads to low IQ.
    -Social and attachment issues: insecure disinhibited attachment type. Difficulties forming and maintaining relationships.
    -Parenting: negative/insecure attachment type leads to poor parenting.
    - Recovery is possible: of raised in a caring, emotional environment in the critical period.
  • Research - Rutter et al - English and Romanian Adoptees
    -English and Romanian Adoptees project is longitudinal multi-method investigation. 165 in total and 111 were adopted before 2 and 54 before age of 4.
    -Their physical , cognitive, social development was assessed at ages 4,6,11 and 15 and development was compared to 65 British adoptees.
    -At the age of 11 some Romanian orphans had recovered and caught up with British Orphans. The recovery rate was related to the age they were adopted at.
  • Research - Rutter et al - English and Romanian Adoptees
    -Findings showed recovery from institutionalistion is possible. Different rates of recovery depending on the age they were adopted at, the less time spent in institution the easier they found cognitive development.
    -Those who were adopted after 6 months showed 'disinhibited attachment' type - clingy and attention seeking.
    -Supports Bowlby's theory of the critical period and shows recovery is possible.
  • Zeanah at al - Bucharest Early Intervention Project 
    -Procedure: assessed 95 children who had spent on average 90% of their lives in institutionalised care. They were compared to a control group of 50 children who never lived in an orphanage.
    -Their attachment types were assessed using SS and carers were interviewed about infants social behaviour.
    -Results: only 19% of Romanian Orphans demonstrated secure attachments compared to 74% of control group.
    -RO's more likely to demonstrate disinhibited AT compared to control. Negative effects can be overcome by sensitive caregivers.