Cards (5)

  • Methodological issues
    -Hazan and Shavers research used self report method and adult interview in Baily's research introduces SDB.
    -Adults may give answers which make it look like they had a positive childhood relationship which reduces validity.
  • Deterministic
    -Suggests poor experiences with Primary caregiver in infancy will result in negative and insecure internal working model and negatively affect later social relationships.
    -Underestimates free will, have conscious ability to change behaviour so can raise a child sensitively even of they have had poor parental experiences.
  • Cause and effect
    -Bailey et al and Hazan and Shaver can't establish cause and effect relationship. Can't say that a person's early attachment and internal working model was the cause of the behaviours in future adult relationships. These studies were correlational studies which lacked control.
  • Subjectivity
    -Hazan and Shavers questionnaire PP were giving their subjective opinion rather than objective.
    -Retrospective data, PP are required to recall memories from years ago, recall may be inaccurate and invalid.
  • Counter evidence
    -Romanian Orphans raised in institutionalised care is neglected and little to no opportunity to form an attachment, less than 1.
    -If adopted early enough they could form a secure attachment, loving and caring parents during critical period.
    -Twin boy study: had each other and may have confounding variables.