
Cards (4)

  • Reciprocity is a type of interaction between two people where an infant interacts with the caregiver in a reciprocal way.
  • The caregiver and the infant respond to each other’s signals babies show reciprocity to their caregivers from birth throughout the day babies will have periods of alertness where they are more receptive to being interactive and show more eye contact or verbal signals towards the mother. In the alert phases babies signal to show they are ready for interaction
  • Research evidence from Feldman show that mothers usually pick up and respond to their baby’s alertness around two thirds of the time. Interactions become more frequent at around 3 months
  • The interactions between the infant and caregiver is a two-way process where babies show an active involvement just as much as the caregiver. Brazelton et Al described the interaction between infants and caregivers as a dance as they respond to each other’s needs. These reciprocal interactions between infant and caregiver build a secure attachment within the child