Role of the father

Cards (6)

  • Stereotypes
    -norms of women being sensitive and caring and not the fathers. Now we have paternity leave take into account fathers want to be sensitive and caring to the child but isn't seen as masculine in society.
  • Biological factors
    -men produce smaller amount of the hormone oestrogen and women produce a lot and they are nurturing and caring, men have lower levels could suggest they are not as caring.
    -Also, oxytocin reduces stress and flight or fight, it helps with being calm, promotes caring behaviours.
    -When women breastfeed, oxytocin is released to help bond mother and child which can't be done by the father.
  • Research by Geiger
    -Found that the play that fathers engage in is more exciting and fun play than with mothers.
    -Did a longitudinal study of quality of fathers play correlated with later childhood friendships, plays an equally significant role in helping child develop social skills.
  • Research support - Field et al
    -Gathered 36 infants divided them into 3 groups: group 1 is infants interacting with PGC mothers, group 2 infants interacting with PCG fathers and group 3 infants interacting with their secondary caregiver fathers.
    -Found that fathers who were not PCG's engaged in game playing.
    -The PCG's of both genders showed smiling, imitation of facial expressions and and high pitched vocalisations.
    -Suggests sex of parental figure doesn't matter but its the quality of the interaction.
  • Oxytocin and fathers
    -Gordon et al studied 80 couples in the first month after the first chuild was born. They measured levels of oxytocin in both fathers and mothers after playing with child for 10 mins. Again 6 months later.
    -Found that fathers oxytocin levels matched mothers levels which encourages bond between them.
    -This suggests that fathers can connect and have the same bond that mothers have.
  • Cultural factors
    -In some cultures, people form multiple attachments in early life stages as number of people caring for them is more so they don't just have one primary caregiver.
    -In western cultures, they will have one primary caregiver when you are younger and as child gets older them will start to form more attachments.