Refers to how consistent the findings from an investigation are
Test-retest reliability
A method of assessing the reliability of something by assessing the same person on two separate occasions and attempts to show whether results are same both times
Inter-observer reliability
The extent to which there is agreement between 2 observers in observing behaviour
What is the number for having high-inter observer reliability?
Test-retest method
Is doing the same test or questionnaire but has to be done at a period of time after so they don't recall their answers
Then the two test scores should be correlated to see if they are significant and if they are it is reliable
Inter-observer reliability method
Observational research introduces subjectivity, bias and unreliability
Inter-observer involves two researchers collecting their own data on observing the same event and comparing results
Measuring reliability
Reliability is measured using a correlation analysis. In test-retest and inter-observer reliability the 2 sets are correlated
Improving reliability for questionnaires
Reliability of questionnaires should be measured using the test-retest method
A questionnaire with low test-retest may need to be rewritten to include less ambiguous questions that may be hard to answer
To fix this you could have more closed questions
Improving reliability for interviews
Ensuring reliability for interviews is using the same interviewer
Interviewers should try not to ask leading questions
Interviews that are less structured are less likely to be reliable
Improving reliability for observations
Reliability of observations can be improved by making behavioural categories operationalised
If categories are not operationalised well then observers may have to make their own judgement
Improving reliability for experiments
In an experiment it is the procedures that are the focus of the reliability
In order to compare the performance of different PPs the procedure must be the same
Researchers are concerned with standardised procedures