Part 1: Situational questions for basic competencies

Cards (10)

  • What form of communication should you use to send and receive messages using a network?
    Answer: Via messenger, email, sms and other social media flatforms.
  • What would you do to avoid conflict due to gossips/rumors in the workplace?
    Answer: focus on your task, do not entertain.
  • How could you readily extend assistance to a colleague while busy attending to a costumer client?
    Answer: be one at a time/teamwork.
  • How would you show respect during conversation with your colleague?
    Answer: be a good listener, calm, be approachable, avoid (but in) do not entertain personal life issues, facial expression, eye to eye contact.
  • How would you ensure that your assigned task performs in accordance with the instructions?
    Answer: listen carefully to the instructions given, follow the SOP, plan a head of time
  • What would you do if your client requested for an appointment in your day off?
    Answer: explain your schedule to the client. commit the client if you are not busy, refer to other collegue be honest and apologize
  • What would you do to determine why your computer/electrical unit has lost its power?
    Answer: check first the plugs, do not panic.
  • How do you ensure that a problem would not be repeating again?
    Answer: review and evaluation. Follow the instruction and procedure carefully.
  • How would you ensure that products, supplies, and materials in stock are still safe for use?
    Answer: check the expiration date of the products.
  • What would you do if you receive a client/costumer complaint regarding your service?
    Answer: apologize, listen and address the clients complain.