BALANCE - is very essential in the field of sports such as basketball, swimming, badminton and boxing.
STATIC - is a branch of mechanics that deals with the study of objects at rest or in static equilibrium.
FORCE WEIGHT FW - the force acting on the body, which is the weight of the body.
NORMAL FORCE FX - which is upward reaction force exerted by the table.
STATIC EQUILIBRIUM - it is a condition in which all forces acting on the body are balanced.
CENTER OF GRAVITY - an object is the point at which the weight is evenly dispered and all sides are in balanced.
BALANCING METHOD - the method used in determining the center of gravity.
GEOMETRICAL METHOD - the center of gravity for regular bodies such as spheres, cubes, cylinders, and ring is determined using the method.
PLUMB LINEMETHOD - is used to determine the center of gravity for irregular-shaped bodies.
STATES OF EQUILIBRIUM - if we want the object at rest to be stable, we have to consider its condition for the object not to slip or tilt easily.
STABLE EQULIBRIUM - means that, with small displacement of the body from the state, forces or moments of forces emerge which tend to return the body to its original position.
UNSTABLE EQUILIBRIUM -means that, with a small displacement of the body from its original position, force emerge which tends to caused the object to move to a different position.
NEUTRAL EQULIBRIUM - even with small displacement, the body remains in equilibrium.
MMDA - Metropolitan Manila Development Authority
normal fault -the block above the fault moves down relative to the block below the fault.
reverse fault - the block above the fault moves up relative to the block below the fault
strike-slip fault - the movement of the blocks along a fault is horizontal.
leftlateral - the block on the far side of the fault moves to the left.
right lateral - the direction of the movement is rightward.
big one - is an earthquake expected to occur with a magnitude of 7.2 or stronger.
focus or hypocenter - the phase within the earth where the rock first breaks and sends out earthquake a seismic waves
seismic waves - are shock waves created at the hypocenter of the earthquake
epicenter - the point on the ground's surface directly above the focus.
earthquake - the shaking or trembling of the earth caused bby the pieces of the crust of the earth that suddenly shifted.
trench - the deep depression in the ocean basin.
subduction - the process when two oceanic plates collide, the denser plates dives under the other.
divergent boundary - occurs when adjacent tectonic plates move away from each other.
transform boundary - where the two plates slide against each other in a side ways motion.
covergent boundary - when two plates move toward each other.
plate boundaries - are found at the edge of the lithospheric plates
thermal convection - the transfer of heat through fluid motion.
mantle - the thick, mostly solid layer of the earth between the crust and the core.
ridge push - a force that comes from the heat expelled by the magma that expands the lithosphere and asthenosphere
slab pull - the force that sinking edge of the plate exerts on the rest of the plate
plate boundary volcanoes - most of the world's active volcanoes are located along
Alfred Wegener - a german meteorologist who proposed the Theory of Continental Drift
Harry H. Hess - He proposed the seafloor spreading
1912 - the year when the theory of continental drift proposed