list 2-5

Cards (20)

  • What is qualitative evidence?

    Non-numerical data that is descriptive
  • What does vested interest mean?

    A strong personal interest for advantage
  • What does colloquial mean?

    Everyday language; conversational
  • What does unequivocal refer to?

    Clear and obvious; leaves no doubt
  • What does disinterested mean?
    Not involved; able to judge fairly
  • What is cynicism?
    The belief that people are selfish
  • What does it mean to satirize?
    To ridicule flaws to promote change
  • What is a platitude?

    Something said too often; lacks imagination
  • What does exacerbate mean?
    To make a problem worse
  • What does vacillate mean?

    To waver or hesitate
  • What is a truism?
    An obvious truth
  • What does intangible mean?
    Not able to be touched or measured
  • What does ineffable mean?

    Something that cannot be expressed in words
  • What does it mean to preempt?
    To stop someone else's plan or action
  • What is solidarity?
    Support among people with common goals
  • What does sardonic mean?

    Scornfully mocking
  • What does solemn mean?

    Serious or dignified
  • What does admonitory mean?

    The tone used when warning someone
  • What does amiable mean?

    Friendly, warm, and kind
  • What does flippant mean?

    Treating a serious subject unseriously