3.1C Communication technology

Cards (5)

  • ICT development has reduced communication costs and increased global flow of communication
  • Mobile phones =
    • With smart phones, smart tablets and smart watches in the 2000s extended they information flows to locations beyond landline networks. 
    • Reduced mobile phone costs expanded usage from an expensive business tool to an ubiquitous consumer product. 
    • Used even in countries with a lack of communications infrastructure. By 2015, 70% of people in Africa owned a mobile phone. (M-PESA)
  • Internet =
    • Internet access became common from the mid 1990s, followed by fast broadband. 
    • Close to 50% of the world's population uses internet. 
    • Broadband internet in the 1980s and 90s meant that large amounts of data could be moved quickly through cyberspace.
  • Social networks =
    • Social networks and Skype allow people to communicate instantly and without charge
    • Social media enabled much cheaper communication between friends and family than landline telephone. 
    • Skype has allowed cheap, direct, face-to-face communication, allowing migrants to maintain stronger bonds with their distant family. 
  • Economic banking =
    • The rise of mobile phones means they can be used for economic banking, revolutionising life for individuals and businesses. In Kenya (M-PESA)
    • Electronic banking extends capital flows beyond the physical banking network
    • allows migrants to transmit remittances of money back to their home countries.