Globalshift = the relocating of the global manufacturing to Asia from Europe and North America. This has involved:
-> The shift of manufacturing jobs from Europe, Japan and North America to China.
-> The shift of service and administration jobs to India, especially Bangalore.
Global shift benefits:
created more waged work
poverty reduction
increased education and training
Investment in infrastructure
Global shift costs:
Loss of productiveland
unplanned settlements
environmental and resource pressure
Manufactoring in China:
China opened up to globalisation in 1978 with Deng Xiaoping's Open Door Policy. Joined WTO in 2001.
SpecialEconomicZones set up including Shenzen in Pearl River Delta, Guadong Province, and in Shanghai.
Waged work lifted 680 million Chinese people out of extreme poverty since 1980
Waged rates rising
more free education
Services in India:
Early investment in Indian Institutes of Technology produced a large pool of IT literate workers.
Computer software design outsourced by TNCs such as Texas Instruments.
Technology workers earn $10 per day.
why has there been a global shift to Asia:
Asian nations allow FDI (Open-door policy)
labour intensive industries have moved there
Asian nations have a comparative advantage
Asia is becoming an emerging market
cumulative causation
cumulativecausation: TNC investment and trade cause large markets to become more prosperous through technology transfers, FDI and the multiplier effect, attracting more FDI