The aim of the Ridolfi plot was to execute Elizabeth, initiate a Spanish invasion of Britain and to place Mary Queen of Scots as the queen. She was also to marry the Duke of Norfolk
The Ridolfi plot was motivated by the strict laws placed on Northern Catholics by the earl of Huntingdon
Ridolfi was an Italian banker who worked as a secret spy for the Pope. He lived in England
In March 1571, Ridolfi travelled to the Netherlands to discuss with the Pope, Philip and Alba about the plot. He also had a letter signed by the Duke of Norfolk, confirming he was now a Catholic and would lead the rebellion
Philip commanded Alba to prepare 10000 troops to take across the English channel for the plot
William Cecil found out about the Ridolfi Plot and by autumn 1571, had enough evidence to accuse Norfolk of high treason
Ridolfi never returned to England after the plot failed and in 1972, Norfolk was executed. Parliament also demanded that Mary was executed, but Elizabeth was hesitant to do so
Elizabeth realized the danger of Spain after the Ridolfi plot, as they would support any plot against her. Elizabeth had to improve relations with France, as she could not fight both countries at once
After the ridolfi plot, Elizabeth made a law in 1581 which announced that a priest could be punished for treason if they promote Catholic ideas