
Cards (23)

  • What is the control of water potential in body fluids called?
  • Why is osmoregulation important?
    It is a key part of homeostasis
  • What specialized sensory neurons monitor blood water potential?
  • Where are osmoreceptors located?
    In the hypothalamus of the brain
  • What happens when osmoreceptors detect a decrease in blood water potential?
    Nerve impulses are sent to the posterior pituitary gland
  • What hormone is released by the posterior pituitary gland in response to low water potential?
    Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
  • What effect does ADH have on the kidneys?
    It causes them to reabsorb more water
  • How does ADH travel in the body?
    It enters the blood and travels throughout
  • How is water reabsorbed in the nephron?
    By osmosis from the filtrate
  • Where does water reabsorption occur in the nephron?
    In the collecting ducts
  • What does ADH do to the luminal membranes of collecting duct cells?
    Increases their permeability to water
  • How does ADH increase water permeability in collecting duct cells?
    By increasing the number of aquaporins
  • What are aquaporins?
    Water-permeable channels in cell membranes
  • What happens to aquaporins in collecting duct cells when ADH binds to receptors?
    They are activated and fuse with membranes
  • What occurs as the filtrate travels along the collecting duct?
    Water moves into tissue fluid and blood plasma
  • What happens to the filtrate as it loses water in the collecting duct?
    It becomes more concentrated
  • What is produced as a result of water reabsorption in the kidneys?
    A small volume of concentrated urine
  • What happens if the water potential of the blood is too high?
    No ADH is released
  • What occurs when osmoreceptors are not stimulated?
    No nerve impulses are sent to the posterior pituitary gland
  • What happens to aquaporins when no ADH is released?
    They are moved out of the luminal membranes
  • What is the result of collecting duct cells being impermeable to water?
    A large volume of dilute urine is produced
  • What is the process of osmoregulation in response to low blood water potential?
    • Osmoreceptors detect low water potential
    • Nerve impulses sent to posterior pituitary gland
    • ADH released into the blood
    • ADH increases water reabsorption in kidneys
    • Produces small volume of concentrated urine
  • What is the process of osmoregulation in response to high blood water potential?
    • Osmoreceptors are not stimulated
    • No nerve impulses sent to posterior pituitary gland
    • No ADH released
    • Aquaporins removed from membranes
    • Produces large volume of dilute urine