bacterial cell component

Cards (45)

  • What type of microorganisms are bacteria?
    Single cell prokaryotic microorganisms
  • What are fungi and parasites classified as?
    Single-cell or multicellular eukaryotic organisms
  • Why are viruses not considered cellular organisms?
    They depend on host cells for survival
  • What are prions?
    Abnormal infectious proteins
  • What distinguishes eukaryotic cells from prokaryotic cells?
    Eukaryotic cells have membrane-enclosed organelles
  • What are the main organelles found in eukaryotic cells?
    • Endoplasmic reticulum
    • Golgi body
    • Mitochondria
    • Lysosomes
    • Nucleus
    • Cytoskeleton
  • Where do all functions take place in prokaryotic cells?
    In the cytoplasm or cytoplasmic membrane
  • What is the composition of the cell wall in bacteria?
    Composed of peptidoglycan
  • What are the typical sizes of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
    • 0.4 to 2 µm in diameter
    • 0.5 to 5 µm in length

    • 10 to 100 µm in diameter
    • >10 µm in length
  • What type of nucleus do prokaryotes have?
    No nuclear membrane, nucleoid region
  • Where is the chromosomal DNA located in prokaryotes?
    In the nucleoid or mesosome
  • What is the structure of chromosomal DNA in prokaryotes?
    Circular complexes with RNA
  • What are plasmids in prokaryotic cells?
    Small circular DNA molecules in cytoplasm
  • How do prokaryotes reproduce?
    Asexually through binary fission
  • What are the differences in organelles between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
    • No membrane-bound organelles
    • Ribosomes: 70S

    • Contains all organelles
    • Ribosomes: 80S
  • What is the function of ribosomes in bacterial cells?
    Site of protein synthesis
  • What is the structure of bacterial ribosomes?
    70S consisting of 50S and 30S subunits
  • Where does electron transport for energy occur in prokaryotes?
    In the cell membrane
  • What are the main components of the bacterial cell envelope?
    • Outer membrane
    • Cell wall
    • Periplasm
    • Cytoplasmic membrane
  • What is the function of the outer membrane in gram-negative bacteria?
    Initial barrier to the environment
  • What are porins in the outer membrane?
    Water-filled pores controlling nutrient passage
  • What is the composition of the cell wall in gram-positive bacteria?
    Very thick peptidoglycan layer
  • What is teichoic acid?
    Polymer providing rigidity to the cell wall
  • What is unique about the gram-negative cell wall?
    It has a thin peptidoglycan layer and outer membrane
  • What is the acid-fast cell wall characterized by?
    More than 60% lipid content
  • What is the function of the periplasmic space?
    Assists in nutrient capture
  • What is the cytoplasmic membrane's role in bacteria?
    Acts as an osmotic barrier
  • What are the functions of the cytoplasmic membrane?
    • Transport of solutes
    • Housing enzymes for cell wall synthesis
    • Generation of chemical energy
    • Cell motility
    • Mediation of chromosomal segregation
  • What is the composition of the capsule in bacteria?
    Made of polysaccharide polymers
  • What is the role of slime layers in bacteria?
    Similar to capsules but more diffuse
  • What are fimbriae or pili?
    Hairlike structures aiding in attachment
  • What is the function of the sex pilus?
    Conduit for DNA passage during conjugation
  • What is the primary component of flagella?
    Protein flagellin
  • What are the types of flagella based on their arrangement?
    • Monotrichous: one flagella
    • Lophotrichous: multiple at one pole
    • Amphitrichous: one at each end
    • Peritrichous: multiple around the cell
  • What is the structure of gram-negative flagella?
    Contains five rings for anchoring
  • What is the cytosol's appearance due to?
    Presence of polysomes and inclusions
  • What are inclusion bodies in bacteria?
    Storage for energy or structural building blocks
  • What is poly-B-hydroxybutyric acid (PHB)?
    A lipid compound for structural building blocks
  • What is the function of metachromatic granules?
    Storage of polysaccharides and lipids
  • What is the nucleoid in bacterial cells?
    Region containing the bacterial chromosome