the behaviourist approach L2

Cards (22)

  • What approach rejected the vagueness of introspection?
    The Behaviourist approach
  • Who discovered classical conditioning through research with dogs?
  • What is a neutral stimulus (NS) in classical conditioning?
    A stimulus that initially produces no response
  • What does an unconditioned stimulus (UCS) lead to in classical conditioning?
    An unconditioned response (UCR)
  • What happens after many pairings of the NS and UCS?
    The NS becomes a conditioned stimulus (CS)
  • What occurs if the CS is presented without the UCS multiple times?
    Extinction occurs and the CR is lost
  • What is spontaneous recovery in classical conditioning?
    Reappearance of the CR after extinction
  • What is stimulus generalization?
    Responding to similar stimuli as the CS
  • What is positive reinforcement?
    Rewarding consequence that increases behavior
  • What is negative reinforcement?
    Removing an unpleasant consequence
  • How does reinforcement affect behavior?
    It increases the likelihood of repetition
  • What is punishment in operant conditioning?
    Unpleasant consequence that decreases behavior
  • What is the main criticism of Skinner's research?
    It relied on non-human animals for studies
  • What do critics argue about human behavior and free will?
    Human behavior is not determined by conditioning
  • What did Skinner argue about free will?
    Free will is merely an illusion
  • What is spontaneous recovery in classical conditioning?
    Quick re-establishment of the CR
  • What is the definition of a behaviourist?
    People who study observable behavior
  • What is reinforcement in the context of behaviorism?
    Anything that strengthens a behavior
  • What is stimulus generalization in classical conditioning?
    Responding to similar stimuli after conditioning
  • What are the key features of classical conditioning?
    • Involves NS, UCS, UCR, CS, CR
    • Learning occurs through association
    • Extinction and spontaneous recovery are possible
    • Stimulus generalization can occur
  • What are the key features of operant conditioning?
    • Behavior is influenced by consequences
    • Positive and negative reinforcement increase behavior
    • Punishment decreases behavior
    • Reinforcement strengthens behavior likelihood
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the behaviourist approach?
    • Focus on observable behavior
    • Scientific and measurable methods

    • Over-reliance on animal studies
    • Neglect of free will and internal processes