What are the four body systems affected by exercise?
Skeletal system
Muscular system
Cardiovascular system
Respiratory system
Are there any short-term effects of exercise on the skeletal system?
What are the 3 short-term effects of exercise on the muscular system?
Muscle temperature increases
Lactic acid produced
Vascular shunting
Explain why muscle temperature increases as a short term effect of exercise?
By-product of releasing energy - makes muscles more flexible so less risk of injury
Explain how lactic acid production is a short term impact of exercise?
By-product of anaerobic respiration
Causes muscular pain and soreness
Requires oxygen to be broken down in the liver - oxygen debt
What is oxygen debt?
Volume of oxygen required to remove the lactic acid
Explain how vascular shunting is a short term effect of exercise?
Blood is redistributed from non-vital organs to working muscles
What are the 4 short term effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system?
Heart rate rises
Stroke volume rises
Cardiac output rises
Vascular shunting occurs
Explain how Heart Rate increasing is a short term effect of exercise:
More blood is sent around the body so more oxygen combines with glucose to provide energy for exercise.
Explain how Stroke Volume increasing is a short term effect of exercise:
More blood is sent around the body per beat so more oxygen reaches the working muscles so more energy gets released - so the performer continues working at a high intensity.
Explain how Cardiac Output increasing is a short term effect of exercise:
More blood is sent around the body per minute so more blood reaches the working muscles
What are the 3 short term impacts of exercise on the Respiratory System?
Respiratory (Breathing) rate increases
Minute Ventilation increases
Tidal Volume increases
Why is Breathing Rate increasing a short term impact of exercise:
More oxygen is inhaled per minute - more breaths - so more respiration can occur.
Why is Minute Ventilation increasing a short term impact of exercise?
More air is inhaled per minute so more oxygen reaches the working muscles every minute
Why is Tidal Volume increasing a short term effect of exercise?
Greater volume of air inhaled per breath so more oxygen is available at the working muscles to release energy via aerobic respiration
What are the long term effects of exercise on the Skeletal System?
Increasedbone density.
How is increased bone density a long term impact of exercise?
Increases through weight-bearing activities
Thicker bones allow greater force to be delivered and more pressure to be withstood - prevenets osteoporosis||
What are the long term impacts of exercise on the muscular system?
Muscle hypertrophy occurs
Muscular strength increases
Muscular endurance increases
Resistance to fatigue increases
Explain what muscle hypertrophy is:
Increase in muscle size and strength due to training
Explain how muscular strength increasing is a long term effect of exercise:
Tendon strength increases and muscle fibers get thicker so operate with more force
Explain how muscular endurance increasing is a long term effect of exercise:
Muscles can work for a longer period of time - there is an increase in slow twitch muscle fibers - approx. 20%
Explain how resistance to fatigue increasing is a long term effect of exercise:
Muscles become stronger and more efficient and can resist lactic acid more
What are the long term effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system?
Heart hypertrophy occurs
Resting heart rate decreases
Resting stroke volume increases
Cardiac Output increases
Recovery rate increases
Capilliarisation increases
Explain how Heart Hypertrophy occuring is a long term effect of exercise:
Heart is a muscle so it gets larger and stronger with training - so each beat forces out more blood so oxygen supplied is greater and energy released is greater
Explain how resting heart rate decreasing is a long term effect of exercise:
Larger heart and greater stroke volume means less heartbeats are required to supply the body with oxygen at rest - less strain on heart at rest
Explain how resting stroke volume increasing is a long term effect of exercise:
Heart is larger and stronger so pumps more blood in each beat
Explain how cardiac output increasing is a long term effect of exercise:
Heart beats faster and pumps more blood per beat so more blood is sent around the body per minute - so athletes can work harder for longer
Explain how recovery rate increasing is a long term effect of exercise:
Heart rate recovers quicker after exercise as it is bigger and stronger so it can deliver blood faster to produce a faster recovery rate
Explain how capilliarisation increasing is a long term effect of exercise:
Regular training results in production of new capilliaries - which allow more blood flow so more oxygen gets delivered to the working muscles. Existing capilliaries get more efficient
What are the long term effects of exercise on the Respiratory system?
Aerobic capacity increases
Respiratory muscles get bigger
Increase in tidal volume and minute ventilation during exercise
Explain how aerobic capacity increasing is a long term effect of exercise:
Endurance training improves gas exchange at alveoli - so there is a better oxygen delivery and carbon dioxide removal from the working muscles. This means the athlete can continue to provide the needed oxygen to release energy - making them aerobically fitter.
Explain how respiratory muscles getting stronger is a long term effect of exercise:
Means more air can be inhaled and exhaled so more oxygen is delivered and more carbon dioxide is removed. Resting breathing rate decreases as a sign of increased fitness.
Explain how tidal volume and minute ventilation increasing is a long term effect of exercise:
Increased lung size so tidal volume and ability to provide steady flow of oxygenated blood will increase. More oxygen delivered so more energy released.