the psychodynamic approach L6

Cards (31)

  • What do psychodynamic theories emphasize?
    Change, unconscious motives, early experiences
  • How does Freud's theory of psychoanalysis suggest the unconscious mind reveals itself?
    Through Freudian slips, creativity, neurotic symptoms
  • What are the three parts of Freud's structure of personality?
    The id, ego, and superego
  • What is the role of the ego in Freud's theory?
    It mediates between the id and the superego
  • What does the superego consist of?
    Conscience and ego-ideal
  • What is the function of defense mechanisms in Freud's theory?
    To prevent traumatic memories from causing anxiety
  • What is repression in the context of defense mechanisms?
    Unconscious blocking of unacceptable thoughts
  • What does denial involve as a defense mechanism?
    Refusal to accept reality
  • What is displacement in Freud's theory?
    Redirecting hostile feelings onto an innocent target
  • What are the psychosexual stages of development according to Freud?
    • Oral
    • Anal
    • Phallic
    • Latent
    • Genital
  • What is the main drive during the psychosexual stages?
    Libido (sexual energy)
  • What happens during the phallic stage of development?
    Sexual energy is focused on the genitals
  • What complex do boys experience during the phallic stage?
    The Oedipus complex
  • What is the Oedipus complex?
    Desire to possess the mother, eliminate the father
  • What anxiety do boys experience related to the Oedipus complex?
    Castration anxiety
  • How might early childhood experiences influence adult behavior according to Freud?
    They shape personality and unconscious motives
  • How might a therapist interpret feelings of rejection in adulthood?
    As a consequence of childhood experiences
  • What is a pioneering approach to understanding human behavior mentioned in the text?
  • What new methodological procedures did psychoanalysis suggest for gathering evidence?
    Case studies
  • On what basis was the development of psychoanalysis founded?
    Observations of behavior
  • Who were the first to demonstrate the potential of psychological treatments for disorders?
    Freud and his followers
  • What disorders did psychoanalysis show potential treatments for?
    Depression and anxiety
  • What is a criticism of psychoanalysis mentioned in the text?
    It is gender-biased
  • What aspect of female sexuality did Freud ignore?
    How it may differ from male sexuality
  • Who criticized Freud's views on women and their development?
    Karen Horney
  • What did de Moat et al.'s (2009) review conclude about psychoanalysis?
    It produced significant improvements in symptoms
  • Why is dismissing women and their sexuality problematic in psychoanalysis?
    Freud treated many female patients
  • What is a culture-biased aspect of psychoanalysis mentioned in the text?
    It has little relevance for non-Western cultures
  • What do Sue and Sue (2008) argue about psychoanalysis?
    Many cultural groups do not value discussion
  • How do people in China typically handle distressing thoughts?
    They avoid discussing them openly
  • How does the Western belief about therapy differ from that in some non-Western cultures?
    Western cultures value open discussion