3.5B international migration

Cards (6)

  • Elite migrant:
    • countries with higher levels of equality
    • social status
    • seeking more global hubs
    • bring money and skills
  • elite migrants = associated with the mobility of highly skilled professionals in elite occupations such as sport, politics and art
  • Russian oligarchs = Flow of wealthy Russian migrants who buy up housing in London to protect their assets from the Russian government in tax havens.
    -> 82% of property deals in London were from foreign buyers
  • UAE - India:
    • 20mn Indians live in the UAE (30% of population)
    • $15Bn is returned to India each year in remittances
    • 11% of the UAE's GDP Is from is sent out of the country as remittances
    • International migration causes economic independancy, strengthens social and political ties
    • Friedmans 1990 evidenced this - "countries with interlinking economies would maintain good relationships
  • Low wage migrant = come from low income countries, which come for economic improvement and cheap labour.