
Cards (5)

  • Who are sensory perception difficulties most pronounced in?
    • Very young children who are neurodivergent
    • Can be hypersensitive or hyposensitive
  • Outline sensory integrative therapy
    • Therapist does initial assessment of child’s sensory issues using a number of standardised tests of sensory integration
    • Therapist develops personalised treatment plan using techniques and tools to meet needs and designed to be fun and engaging
    • Facilitates synthesis of sensory perception and positively reinforcing for child as fun & processing is changed
    • Child allowed to stop at any stage
    • Measured through improved tolerance for stimulation & improvement in perception
  • Name examples of activities in sensory integrative therapy
    • Sand pits - touch, texture
    • Water tanks - touch, sound, texture
    • Dancing to different types of music - sound, movement
    • Squeezed between pads or weighted vests - pressure, movement
    • Brushes on skin - touch, hand-eye coordination
    • Sitting or rolling on bouncy ball - vision, balance
  • What is the effectiveness of sensory integrative play?
    • Found use of weighted vests for children with developmental disorders increased attention to tasks
    • Controversial because only a few studies found positive results, so is an insufficient number of studies for clear assessment if it actually works
  • Outline developing form constancy
    • Child stands in room and identifies all rectangular shapes and then stands in a different place and repeats
    • Toys like shape sorters where matching shapes with hole and child has to recognise triangular object remains triangular no matter which way rotated
    • Works because the child develops shape constancy