
Cards (24)

  • what are 8 energy stores
  • what is the law of conservation of energy
    energy cannot be created or destroyed. energy can only be transferred between stores
  • what is a closed system
    a system where there is no energy lost by dissipation due to friction or heating
  • what is an open system
    a a system that lets matter and energy in and out
  • what is the equation for work done
    work done = power x time
  • what is the equation for power
    power = (energy)work done / time
  • what is the equation for cost
    cost = work done x cost per unit
  • what is the equation for specific heat capacity
    Energy = mass x specific heat capacity x change in temperature
  • what is the equation for specific latent heat
    Energy = mass x specific latent heat
  • what is dissipation
    the transfer of energy to stores that aren't useful (surroundings)
  • explain the dissipation of a car engine due to friction
    the chemical energy used in the engine dissipates into thermal energy due to friction as the parts of the engine heat up
  • explain the dissipation of kettle water and the plastic of the kettle
    the thermal energy from the water dissipates into the surrounding (the plastic wall of the kettle) as thermal energy as the kettle heats up
  • name 2 ways you can reduce dissipation + give an example
    dissipation of friction: lubrication (e.g oiling an engine)
    dissipation of heat: insulation (e.g double glazing glass on windows)
  • how does the thickness of the wall in a house affect the rate of cooling
    thinner walls will take a shorter time to cool down rather than thicker walls meaning the rate of temperature drop increases
  • how does the thermal conductivity of the walls in a house affect the rate of cooling 

    the walls with the higher thermal conductivity will cool down faster meaning the rate of temperature drop is greater
  • how do you calculate efficiency
    efficiency = (useful output energy transfer / input energy transfer ) x 100
  • how can you increase efficiency and explain
    by reducing the wasted energy
    • use insulation to reduce heating the surroundings
    • make devices from materials that reduce unwanted energy transfer
    • use technology to produce devices that are better at their jobs
  • analyse the energy transfer of a car at the start and end of a race (in an open system)
    no kinetic energy (its stationary)
    lots of chemical energy (more fuel)
    some thermal energy (dissipated due to friction of the engine)
    lots of kinetic energy (moving)
    less chemical energy (loss of fuel)
    more thermal energy (more friction and sound energy causes dissipation)
  • analyse the energy transfer of a car breaking
    kinetic energy (it's moving)
    less thermal energy (cool surroundings)
    no kinetic energy (stopped moving)
    more thermal energy (break pads heat the surroundings)
  • analyse the energy transfer of a gymnast running onto a spring board
    above the springboard:
    no elastic energy (uncompressed springs)
    lots of kinetic energy (running)
    lots of gravitational potential (jumping)
    on the springboard:
    lots of elastic energy (compressed springs)
    no kinetic energy (stationary)
    less gravitational potential (lower height)
  • analyse the energy transfer of someone throwing a tennis ball upwards(in an open system)
    left the hand:
    lots of kinetic energy (moving)
    less gravitational potential (closer to the earth)
    less thermal energy (colder surroundings)
    stationary in the air:
    no kinetic energy (stationary)
    more gravitational potential (further from the earth)
    more thermal energy (air resistance heats up the surroundings)
  • analyse the energy transfer of a pair of sunglasses falling onto sand
    just before they land:
    lots of kinetic energy (moving)
    less thermal energy (cooler sand and air)
    on the sand:
    no kinetic energy (stationary)
    more thermal energy (warmer sand and air)
  • analyse the energy transfer of an electric kettle boiling water
    when the kettle is turned on:
    more chemical energy (more fuel and oxygen)
    less thermal energy (cold water)
    when the water is boiled:
    less chemical energy (less fuel and oxygen)
    more thermal energy (boiled water)
  • analyse the energy transfer of a storage heater (heats concrete block at night and warms a room at day)
    start of the day:
    more thermal energy of concrete (hot piece of concrete)
    less thermal energy of room (cold room)
    end of the day:
    less thermal energy of concrete (cold piece of concrete)
    more thermal energy of room (warm room)