Cards (29)

  • What is the focus of section 34 of the study material?
    Bacteria overview
  • Which two bacteria are discussed in this section?
    Yersinia pestis and Yersinia enterocolitica
  • What historical event is associated with Yersinia pestis?
    The bubonic plague
  • What does the bowl of yerba mate tea symbolize?
    Yersinia pestis
  • What does the do not enter sign represent?
    Yersinia enterocolitica
  • What type of stain is used to identify Yersinia species?
    Gram stain
  • What is the morphology of Yersinia species under the microscope?
    Pink and rod-shaped
  • What classification do Yersinia species fall under?
    Gram-negative bacilli
  • What does the capsule of Yersinia do?
    Protects from phagocytosis
  • What does the red canopy symbolize in the context of Yersinia?
    Facultative intracellular existence
  • How is Yersinia pestis transmitted?
    Through rats, prairie dogs, and fleas
  • What does the plague doctor mask represent?
    Yersinia pestis causes the bubonic plague
  • What are buboes?
    Swollen and painful lymph nodes
  • Where are buboes commonly found in the body?
    In the armpits
  • What does the yerba mate tea symbolize in relation to Yersinia pestis?
    It indicates the encapsulated nature of Yersinia pestis
  • What does Yersinia enterocolitica cause?
  • What is the transmission method for Yersinia enterocolitica?
    Contaminated milk and pork
  • How does pet feces relate to Yersinia enterocolitica?
    It is a transmission route
  • What does the large feather pen symbolize?
    Yersinia enterocolitica causes Reiter syndrome
  • What does the vomiting and diarrhea indicate in relation to Yersinia enterocolitica?
    Symptoms of infection
  • What type of antibiotics can treat Yersinia species?
  • What key points help identify Yersinia pestis in a clinical scenario?
    Exposure to a rodent and tender lymphadenopathy
  • What does tender lymphadenopathy in the left axilla indicate?
    Presence of a bubo
  • Which organism causes buboes?
    Yersinia pestis
  • Why is coccidioides immitis not the correct answer for the clinical scenario?
    It does not cause buboes
  • Why is Yersinia enterocolitica not the correct answer for the clinical scenario?
    It presents with gastrointestinal problems
  • Why is cryptococcus neoformans not the correct answer for the clinical scenario?
    It presents with neurological findings
  • Why is blastomyces dermatitis not the correct answer for the clinical scenario?
    It does not cause buboes
  • What is the correct answer to the clinical scenario presented?
    Yersinia pestis