Pasteurella, Brucella and Francisella

Cards (35)

  • What is the focus of section 26 of the bacteria overview?
    Overview of Pasterella, Brucella, and Franciscella
  • What mnemonic is used to remember Brucella in the video?
    Bruce Wayne sounds like Brucella
  • What landmark is associated with Franciscella in the video?
    The Eiffel Tower
  • What does the pastor symbolize in relation to Pasterella?
    Pastor sounds like Pasterella
  • How are the three organisms organized in the image?
    • Brucella on the left
    • Pasterella in the middle
    • Franciscella on the right
  • What type of bacteria are Brucella, Pasterella, and Franciscella?
    Gram-negative coccobacilli
  • What does the pink and red sunset represent in the image?
    All three organisms are gram-negative
  • What does "facultative intracellular" mean for Brucella?
    Can survive inside or outside of cells
  • How does Bruce Wayne's action relate to Brucella's survival?
    He thrives inside and outside like Brucella
  • What type of fever is associated with Brucella?
    Undulant fever
  • What does the farmer's market booth symbolize in relation to Brucella?
    Associated with unpasteurized dairy ingestion
  • What is the treatment for Brucella?
  • What animal is a reservoir for Franciscella?
  • What do Tic Tacs represent in relation to Franciscella?
    Ticks are a common reservoir
  • What does the pavilion symbolize for Franciscella?
    Facultative intracellular organism
  • What skin condition is associated with Franciscella?
    Painful skin lesions
  • What does the granny symbolize in relation to Franciscella?
    Granuloma formation
  • What are deerflies a reservoir for?
  • What do minnows represent in relation to Franciscella?
    Aminoglycoside treatment
  • What test indicates that Pasterella is oxidase positive?
    Oxidase test
  • What does the blue necklace symbolize for Pasterella?
    Oxidase positive
  • What does the sack of bibles represent for Pasterella?
    Encapsulated organism
  • What does the cat symbolize in relation to Pasterella?
    Catalase positive
  • What does the dog biting the pastor represent?
    Transmission through dog bites
  • What type of hemolysis does Pasterella exhibit on blood agar?
    Gamma hemolytic
  • What does the wound on the pastor's arm symbolize?
    Associated with animal bites and skin infections
  • What do the bones and scales represent in relation to Pasterella?
    Causes osteomyelitis
  • What is the treatment for Pasterella?
  • What is the most likely causal organism for a patient with a dog bite and gram-negative coccobacilli?
  • What does the penny symbolize in relation to Pasterella?
    Treatment with penicillin
  • Why is penicillin the correct treatment for the patient in the scenario?
    Because the organism is Pasterella
  • Why is doxycycline incorrect for treating the patient in the scenario?
    It is for Brucella, not Pasterella
  • Why is gentamicin incorrect for treating the patient in the scenario?
    It is for Franciscella, not Pasterella
  • Why is daptomycin incorrect for treating the patient in the scenario?
    It is for gram-positive infections
  • What are the key characteristics of Pasterella, Brucella, and Franciscella?
    • All are gram-negative coccobacilli
    • Pasterella is oxidase positive and encapsulated
    • Brucella is facultative intracellular and causes undulant fever
    • Franciscella is facultative intracellular and causes painful skin lesions