Transport and exhcnahe

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  • Urea Is a waste product what does it diffuse out of cells into?
  • Why does urea diffuses
    • Urea particles cam pass through cells membrane
    • High concentration of urea in body cells than in blood
  • After urea diffuses from blood where does it go?
    Travels to kidneys then removed in urine
  • What substances need to be moved out of organisms?
    Water, dissolved food molecules, mineral ions
  • Larger objects the smaller it's?
    Surface to volume area ratio
  • Why do single celled organism have large surface to volume ratio
    Molecules can diffuse and take in all substances they need or get rid of waste products
  • Multicellular organism have small surface area to volume ratio so they can't rely on diffusion have to use  adaptations
  • Exchange surfaces are adapted to increase rate of diffusion
  • Exchange surface has larger surface area soo
    Increase amount of particles that can diffuse at same time
  • Exchange surfaces have thin membrane soo
    Gives molecules shorter distance to travel
  • Exchange surfaces have good blood supply and well ventilated soo
    Maintained larger concentration gradient for fast rate of diffusion