extent of democracy within the US constituion

Subdecks (2)

Cards (14)

    • The US Constitution enshrines democracy and individual liberty as key values.
    • It sets out the rights and freedoms of individuals.
    • The Constitution has been amended to ensure broader representation in government.
    • The Constitution is entrenched, meaning these fundamental ideals cannot be easily changed.
    • The Preamble outlines the goals to "form a more perfect Union" and "establish Justice."
    • The Constitution ensures that the US will have a system of representative government.
    • The Constitution puts the power in the hands of the people, making sure that government is done with consent from below.
    • The Constitution mandates regular elections, giving the public more control over the government.
    • Elections occur every 2 years for the House, 4 years for president, and 6 years for the Senate.
    • This ensures a regular transfer of power, vital for democracy.
    • Example: In 2018, widespread dissatisfaction with the Republican party led to a Democratic majority in the House.
  • electroal college
    The constitution says that the electoral college must be used to elect the president.
    • The electoral college gives different numbers of electoral college votes to each state and guarantees that smaller states have power in the election.
    • Electoral College votes are not proportional to current populations.
    • Smaller states, like Wyoming, have more influence per vote than larger states, like California.
    • This makes the Electoral College system less democratic.
  • Judicial review
    • The Supreme Court can limit the actions of the Executive and Legislature.
    • However, the Judicial Review was not in the Constitution, so the Supreme Court can decide themselves how to go about doing it.
  • cheakcs and balances
    • The Constitution ensures separation of powers and checks and balances to limit any one group's power.
    • Example: In 2017, the judiciary temporarily stopped President Trump's travel ban.
    • This system can slow down law-making if opposing parties control different branches.