refers to the rupture of membranes earlier than the end of the 37th week of gestation with or without contractions before the onset of labor
associated with preterm labor and preterm birth
Can premature rupture of membranes resort to the prolapse of the cord?
Assessment findings/diagnosis
Maternal report of passage of fluid on the vagina
How do we know if leak is positive?
Nitrazine test - involves putting a drop of fluid obtained from the vagina onto paper strips containing Nitrazine dye. The strips change color depending on the pH of the fluid
Blue = pH is greater than 6.0 = leak
Yellow = no leak or no ruptures fluid
Prolapse of the cord - when the cord drops through the open cervix into the vagina before the fetus moves into the birth canal = hemorrhage = death of the mother = fetal death
Maternal infection and fetal infection / chorioamnionitis - most common
Premature labor
Fetal distress
Conditions associated with PROM / Risks
Natural weakening of the membranes results to force of contractions
Infections of the vagina and cervix - due to the dilation of the cervix
Incompetent cervix
Fetal abnormalities and malpresentation
Hydramnios - above the normal level of amniotic fluid
Conditions associated with PROM / Risks (2)
AMniotic sac with a weak structure
Recent procedures such as amniocentesis or cerclage
Recent sexual intercourse
Nutritional deficiencies - weakens the mother's immune system = affects the growth of the fetus and environmental structure intrauterine
Conditions associated with PROM / Risks (3)
Previous preterm birth related to PROM
Positive fetal fibronectin results
Positive Nitrazine test
a protein that helps keep the amniotic sac attached to the lining of the uterus. Acts as an adhesive that helps stick to the uterus wall
Two risks of PROM
Prolapse of the cord = severe bleeding
Intrauterine infection - ask the mother how long was the leak, and if more than 14 hours start giving antibiotics to combat against invading infection
Nursing interventions
Maintain bed rest. Do not allow ambulation to prevent prolapse of the cord. Bedrets without bathroom privileges
Calculate the age of gestation = premature labor and delivery - if the fetus has chances of survival in extrauterine life
Monitor maternal vital signs and fetal well-being
Observe and record the character, amount, color, and odor of amniotic fluid
Be alert for early signs of infection: fever, chills, body malaise
Signs of labor onset = premature labor contractions
Nursing interventions (2)
Provide psychological support
-explain the procedure and findings
-support the client and family
-open lines of communication to the family to inform progress of condition
-prepare the client and family for early interruption of pregnancy as indicated
Maintain hydration = start IFV
Best position for the patient to prevent cord prolapse during PROM
Knee chest - the best
Sim's position
Nursing alert
Mother is administered corticosteroids = lung maturity of the fetus incase born prematurely
Mothers are administered antibiotics to prevent further infection
Newborn is given antibiotics right after birth for preventive measures = prophylaxis against or to combat infection that may set in. To prevent neonatal sepsis