Cards (8)

  • Criteria pollutants:
    • SO2: coal combustion (electricity), respiratory irritant, smog, acid precipitation
    • NO/NO2: all fossil fuel combustion (especially gas), ozone, photochemical smog, acid rain
    • CO: incomplete combustion of O3; lethal to humans
    • Particulate matter: fossil fuel/biomass combustion, respiratory irritant, smog contributor
    • Tropospheric Ozone: photochemical oxidation of O3, respiratory irritant, smog contributor, plant damage
    • Lead: metal plants, waste incineration, neurotoxicant
  • air pollution: anything in the atmosphere that is harmful to humans or the environment
  • Primary pollutants: pollutants emitted directly into the atmosphere
    • natural: pollen, volcanic ash, VOCs given off by plants
    • anthropogenic: products of combustion of fossil fuels
  • Secondary Pollutants: formed once they are in the atmosphere
    • usually by combining with water vapor or other atmospheric gases
    • ozone, acid rain
  • CO2 is NOT one of 6 criteria pollutants in Clean Air Act because it does not directly lower air quality from a human health standpoint
    • Nontoxic to organisms
    • not damaging to lungs/eyes
    • does not lead to smog/decreased visibility
    • CO2 is a secondary pollutant; it leads to global warming
  • Impacts of SO2:
    • respiratory irritant (inflammation of bronchioles, lungs), worsens asthma and bronchitis
    • sulfur aerosols (suspended sulfate particles): block incoming sun, reduces visibility and photosynthesis
    • forms sulfurous (grey) smog
    • combines with water and O2 in the atmosphere to form sulfuric acid --> acid rain
  • Nitrogen Oxides:
    • Released by combustion of anything, especially FF and biofuels
    • NO forms when N2 combines with O2 (especially during combustion)
    • NO can become NO2 by reacting with O3 or O2, sunlight converts back into NO
  • Environmental/Health impacts of NOx:
    • Respiratory irritants
    • Leads to tropospheric ozone formation, leads to photochemical smog
    • combines with water and O2 in atmosphere to for nitric acid --> acid rain