measuring attachment types

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  • strange situation was a study that measures the attachment quality between a mother and infant
  • strange situation
    • lab study, artificial stimuli but standardised
    • 100 middle class american infants (12-18months) and mothers
  • strange situation
    observers are behind a one way mirror and observe the infants responses:
    • separation anxiety
    • reunion behaviour
    • stranger anxiety
  • separation anxiety
    sign of becoming attached is to protest at separation from the caregiver
  • reunion behaviour
    response to reunion with caregiver, after separation for a short period of time under controlled conditions
  • stranger anxiety
    one of the signs of attachment is a display of anxiety when a stranger approaches
  • the strange situation procedure1-4
    1. observer introduces mother and baby to experimental room, then leaves (30 secs)
    2. mother is non participant, allows baby to explore. (3 mins) if necessary, play is stimulated after 2 mins
    3. stranger enters. silent for the first minute, talks to the mother for the next minute, and in the third approaches the baby and mother leaves (3 mins)
    4. FIRST SEPARATION EPISODE. stranger gears behaviour towards baby (3mins)
  • strange situation procedure 5-7
    5. FIRST REUNION EPISODE. mother greets and comforts baby, settling into play. the mother leaves and waves bye (3 mins)
    6. SECOND SEPARATION EPISODE. baby is alone (3 mins)
    7. stranger enters and gears behaviour to the baby (3 mins)
    8. SECOND REUNION EPIDSODE. mother enters and greets the baby. stranger leaves (3 mins)
  • strange situation, ainsworth et al 1978, steps simple
    1. baby and mother
    2. baby explores, mother present
    3. stranger, baby, mother
    4. stranger and baby
    5. mother and baby
    6. baby
    7. stranger and baby
    8. mother and baby
  • attachment types
    • secure (B)
    • insecure avoidant (A)
    • insecure resistant (C)
  • strange situation findings
    secure = 66% or 70%
    insecure avoidant = 22% or 15%
    insecure resistant = 12% or 15%
  • secure (moderate)
    • uses mother as a safe base to explore environment
    • distressed when mother leaves - moderate separation anxiety
    • avoidant of stranger alone, but friendly when mother is present - moderate stranger anxiety
    • positive and happy when mother returns
  • insecure resistant (low)
    • mother and stranger comfort infant equally well
    • no sign of distress when mother leaves - low separation anxiety
    • okay with stranger, plays normally when stranger is present - low stranger anxiety
    • little interest when mother returns
  • insecure resistant (high)
    • infant cries more and explores less than other two types
    • intense distress when mother leaves - high separation anxiety
    • avoidant of stranger, shows fear - high stranger anxiety
    • approaches mother but resists contact, may even push her away
    • mother is inconsistent with sensitive responsiveness
  • p = children develop different attachment types due to the interaction between the child innate temperament and parents sensitivity towards their needs
    e = belsky and rovine (1987), childs attahcment type is a result of child temperament and how parent responds. Child temperament may influence the way their parent responds.
    l = to develop a secure attachment, a 'difficult' child would need a caregiver who is sensitive and patient