Which 3 functionalist studies give a reason for ethnic inequalities?
Value Consensus --> Parsons
Meritocracy --> Parsons
Assimilation --> Patterson
Functionalists generally do not recognise ethnic inequalities. They claim that any problems that occur are part of the natural process of ethnic minorities adjusting to the norms and values of British society.
Name the 3 New Right studies that give reasons for social inequalities:?
The Bell Curve --> Murray
The Underclass --> Murray
Triple Quandary Theory --> Sewell
The New Right theory can be seen as a modern, conservative extension of the functionalist theory. They argue that any inequalities faced by ethnic minorities are due to the actions and values of the individuals themselves.
Who believes that value consensus (sharing norms & values) is essential for a smooth-running society?
Parson argues that value consensus is essential for social cohesion. He found that ethnic inequalities were the cause of ethnic minorities failing to adjust to British values.
What is value consensus?
When people in a society share the same norms and values
If ethnic minorities did not dress the same, speak the same language and celebrate the same traditions it could lead to racism from the host country: Parsons (the importance of Value Consensus).
One critic of Parsons's theory around ethnic inequalities being caused by a lack of value consensus is:
Parson's theory assumes that the norms and values of the host's culture are superior. It completely ignores that the root of racism is far more complex and varied than simply a person not changing their norms and values
Why does Jacobson critic Parson's theory around Value consensus and ethnic inequalities?
Jacobson argues that many ethnic minorities do not adjust their norms and values to that of the host because they feel rejected and not accepted by the host culture. As a result, they keep their original norms and values.
Which sociologist critics Parsons's theory on value consensus and ethnic inequalities?
Parsons - if you work hard you will succeed to the best of your ability
Who argues that if ethnic minorities are not achieving as highly in areas such as education and work then it is simply due to a lack of talent and effort?
functionalists argue that if ethnic minorities are not achieving as highly in areas such as education and work then it is simply due to a lack of talent and effort - Parsons
Who argues that both sides should be able to adapt / assimilate to the new situation and the host's norms and values to ensure value consensus and social solidarity?
Patterson believed that eventually, ethnic minorities would have to assimilate into British culture. Meaning that they would have become completely absorbed into their host's culture and mainly forget their original culture.
Patterson argues that ethnic inequalities still exist in society because ethnic minorities have failed to assimilate to the norms and values of British culture.
Solomos & Back argue that assimilation does not lead to a decline in ethnic inequalities. Even if an ethnic minority changes their norms and values it doesn't mean they won't be a victim of racism. (critic of Pattersons theory)
Murray - claims that a significant part of the underclass is black youths who have grown up in single-parent families with mothers who did not have jobs and relied on benefits
(Murray and the underclass)Values of illegitimate families and deviant behaviours as well as a reliance on the state are passed down to black children. The high rates of poverty among black people are caused by their own poor values. Not racism or other structural reasons.
Murray's theory of the underclass places blame on them rather than seeing them as victims of prejudiced society. He also fails to see economic divisions that disadvantage this group and what is keeping them in the “underclass” is not having enough money to lift them out of poverty (poverty trap)
Sewell - black boys lack positive male role models. This makes them more susceptible to peer pressure which leads to negative gang behaviour.
The lack of role models for black boys leads them to be more susceptible to peer pressure leading them to turn to gangs. The media reinforces this through stereotypes in black rap culture (guns and sexual conquests). Sewells theory can be used to explain the high rates of imprisonment of Afro-Caribbean boys. (meaning that ethnic inequalities are due to a lack of role models)