Cards (12)

  • What are the 4 Weberian studies that give reasons for ethnic inequalities?
    1. Status Groups --> Weber
    2. Racism --> Rex & Tomlinson
    3. Social Closure --> Parkin
    4. Dual Labour Market --> Barron & Norris
  • Weber is a conflict theorist who saw society based on conflicts between "status groups"
  • Weber says ethnic inequalities are due to the competition between status groups. What is a status group?
    A status group is any group that tries to benefit its members through organised activity
  • Weber argues that ethnic inequalities are due to competition between status groups:
    Those in higher-status groups (white people) hold more power and status than those in lower-status groups and do not want to share this which creates racial conflict / ethnic inequalities
  • Marxists argue that Weber has overcomplicated the explanation and the root of this issue is social class only and this is simply another example of bourgeoise control
  • Which Weberians found that ethnic minorities felt marginalised and alienated from society?
    Rex & Tomlinson
  • Weberians like Rex & Tomlinson argue that the reason ethnic minorities feel marginalised and alienated from society could be explained by racism in terms of competition for scarce resources. Each status group is competing over issues like housing and employment, therefore racism occurs when one group feels like another is reducing their chances to gain resources such as a job.
  • Which Weberian sociologist argues that the middle classes use social closure to keep out ethnic minorities?
  • Parkin suggests that social closure is one important way status groups seek to improve their position. As reduces supply and so increases demand for the group which in turn increases its status wealth and power. They use entry qualifications as a way of restricting entry.
  • Which Weberians show how ethnic minorities are overrepresented in the secondary labour market where jobs are poorly paid and come with little status and power (dual labour markets)?
    Barron & Norris
  • It is very difficult for certain ethnic groups such as afro-Caribbean, Bangladeshi and Pakistani people to gain entry into the primary labour market - Barron & Norris
  • The black Lives Matter movement - Weber argues that this is an example of an ethnic group creating collective action to gain greater wealth, power and status for themselves.