Cards (11)

  • PA/AP
    supine or prone, expiration
    CR: perpendicular to the IR entering MSP and the iliac crest
  • AP oblique
    40 degree RPO or LPO, expiration
    CR: perpendicular to the IR entering 1" lateral to the upside of MSP at the iliac crest
  • PA axial
    prone, expiration
    CR: angled 30-40 degrees caudad entering MSP exiting at the level of the ASIS
  • AP axial
    supine, expiration
    angled 30-40 degrees cephalad entering 2" inferior to level of ASIS and MSP
  • AP axial obl
    40 degrees LPO, expiration
    CR: angled 30-40 degrees cephalad entering 2" inferior and 2" medial from the upside ASIS
  • AP/PA bilateral decubs
    either left or right decub on top of a sponge, expiration
    CR: horizontal and perpendicular to the IR entering MSP at the level of the iliac crest
  • lateral rectum
    right or left lateral recumbent, deflate balloon, suspend respirations
    CR: perpendicular to the IR entering MCP at the level of ASIS
  • lateral x table rectum
    ventral decubitus, deflate the balloon, suspend respirations
    CR: perpendicular and horizontal to the IR entering MCP at the level of the ASIS
  • AP/PA post evac
    prone or supine, use gravity to drain the barium from the patient, expiration
    CR: perpendicular to the IR entering MSP and the iliac crest
  • contrast/supplies
    barium or hypaque
    kelly clamp
    air bulb
    spongy air thing
    IV pole
  • post symptoms
    fecal impaction
    now bowel movement for 24 hours
    weakness of faintness
    abdominal pain
    rectal bleeding
    failure to flatus
    abdominal distention