Unexpected deviations or complications from the course of normal pregnancy occurs, which we now term as high-risk
High-riskpregnancy is one in which the life or health of the mother or fetus is jeopardized by a disorder coincidental with or unique to pregnancy
Categories of high-risk pregnancy
Maternal ageparity factors and maternal illness
Fetal factors
Placental factors
Maternal age parity factors and maternal illnesses
Age 16 years or under
Nullipara35 or over
Multipara 40 or over
Interval of 8 years or more since the last pregnancy
High parity (5 or more)
Pregnancy occurring after 3 months or less after the last delivery
Kidney disease
Issues in clotting and bleeding factors
Maternal age parity factors and maternal illnesses
Malnutrition and obesity
Heart diseases
STI and TORCH (toxoplasmosis, others, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex)
Alcoholism and drug addiction
Psychiatric issues
Mental retardation
History of prolonged labor and delivery
Previous cesarean delivery
Cephalopelvic disproportion
Problems with the 5p's
Fetal factors
Congenital anomalies
History of previous birth defects
One or more still birth at term
Two or more consecutive spontaneous abortions
Two or more premature deliveries
Placental factors
What trimester does abortion occur?
pregnancy that ends in less than 20 weeks gestation, either spontaneously or therapeutic (induced/medical/elective/intention/criminal)
termination of pregnancy before the fetus is viable (20 weeks or weight of less or 500 grams)
is becoming an accepted medical term to denotr spontaneousabortion
is a termination of pregnancy without action taken by the woman or another person. Without medical or mechanical interventions
ends of natural cause
Without elective medical procedure
Etiology of spontaneous abortion (fetal factors)
defective embryologic development or abnormal fetal formation due to teratogenic factor or chromosomal aberration
faulty ovum implantation
rejection of the ovum by the endometrium
Etiology of spontaneous abortion (maternal factors)
severe malnutrition
reproductive system abnormalities (incompetent cervix)
endocrine problems (thyroid dysfunction)
drug ingestion - teratogenic substances
illness ( cancer, TB, hypertension, GDM)
Etiology of spontaneous abortion (placental factors)
premature separation of the normally implanted placenta
abnormal placental separation
abnormal placental function
The fetal, placental, defect or maternal condition results in the disruption of blood flow, containing oxygen and nutrients to the developing fetus. The fetus is compromised and subsequently expelled from the uterus.
Clinical signs of abortion
Vaginal bleeding or spotting
Uterine or abdominal cramps
Passages of tissues or products of conception
Signs related to blood loss = hypovolemic shock = maternal and fetal death
Different types of spontaneous abortion classified as MIITCHS
Missed abortion
Inevitable abortion
Incomplete abortion
Threatened abortion
Complete abortion
Habitual abortion
Septic abortion
Threatened abortion
under 16 weeks, late 16 to 14 weeks
Bleeding: first bright red. Slight/spotting
Abdominal cramps: may or may not be present. Backache
Cervical dilation: closed
Tissue passage: none
Fever: none
Inevitable or imminent abortion
Bleeding: Moderate
Abdominal cramps: Persistent cramping
Cervical dilation: Open. Rupture of membranes and all products of conception
Tissue passage: All products of conception
Fever: None
Complete abortion
Bleeding: Minimal to severe
Abdominal cramps: Moderate to severe
Cervical dilation: Open
Tissue passage: All products of conception
Fever: None
Incomplete abortion
Bleeding: Severe bleeding
Abdominal cramps: Severe
Cervical dilation: Open
Tissue passage: Fetal or incomplete placental tissues
Fever: None
Missed / Fetal Demise / Death in utero abortion
Bleeding: None. Mild to moderate to severe
Abdominal cramps: None. No FHT with ultraosund
Cervical dilation: Closed
Tissue passage: None
Fever: None
Habitual or Recurrentabortion
3 or more consecutive abortions
Bleeding: Intermittent fetal discharge
Abdominal cramps: Mild to moderate to severe
Cervical dilation: Closed or open
Tissue passage: Depends upon the type of abortion
Fever: None
Septic (infection) abortion
Bleeding: Mild to severe
Abdominal cramps: Severe
Cervical dilation: Closed or open with or without tissue
Tissue passage: Possibly, foul discharge
Fever: There is fever
Nursing diagnosis
Anticipatory grieving related to loss of pregnancy, cause of abortion, future childbearing
Nursing interventions
Assess the reaction of patient and support person, and provide information regarding current status, as needed
Encourage the patients to discuss feelings, about the loss of the baby. Include effects on relationship with the father
Do not minimize the loss by focusing on future childbearing, rather acknowledge the loss and allow grieving
Providing time along for the couple to discuss their feelings
Therapeutic / Induce / Medical / Intentional / Elective abortion
can be induced up to approximately 20 weeks gestation
is the interruption of a pregnancy before the 20th week of gestation at the woman's request for reasons other than the maternal health or fetal disease
Therapeutic abortion
are those induced to safeguard the health of the mother and in cases of genetic disease and anomalies in the fetus that could endanger the life of the mother
Nontherapeutic abortion
desire to terminate the pregnancy
Surgical management of abortion
Dilation and evacuation
Dilation and curettage
Dilation and evacuation
all products of conception from the uterus are expelled
Dilation and curettage
performed for incomplete abortion to remove the remaining products of conception from the uterus
Dilation and curettage
Is a procedure to remove tissue from inside your uterus. Health care providers perform dilation and curettage to diagnose and treat certain uterine conditions - such as heavy bleeding - or to clear the uterine lining after a miscarriage or abortion
Small instruments or medication to open (dilate) the lower, narrow part of the uterus (cervix). Your provider then uses a surgical instrument called a curette, which can be a sharp instrument or suction device, to remove uterine tissue