Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare, scrofulaceum and marinum

Cards (33)

  • Which mycobacterium is referred to as MAC?
    Mycobacterium avium intracellulare
  • What does "scrufulasium" refer to?
    Mycobacterium scrofulaceum
  • What does "marinum" refer to?
    Mycobacterium marinum
  • What setting is the scene taking place in?
    A zoo park
  • What does "aviary" sound like in relation to mycobacterium?
    It sounds like avium
  • What does the bubbling acid pond represent?
    Acid fast characteristic
  • What does the microphone symbolize in the study material?
    Presence of mycolic acid
  • What is the appearance of mycobacterium under an acid-fast stain?
    Red appearing organisms
  • What does the band-aid on the character's hand represent?
    MAC causes disease in AIDS patients
  • What does the structure of the aviary resemble?
    The lymphatic system
  • What does the heat lamp symbolize in the study material?
    MAC causes fever
  • What does the sweaty guy on the zipline represent?
    MAC causes night sweats
  • What does the skinny guy on the zipline symbolize?
    MAC causes weight loss
  • What does the map of the United States on the shirt represent?
    Number 50
  • What does "zip" sound like in relation to antibiotics?
  • When is azithromycin given prophylactically?
    When CD4 count is less than 50
  • Why are MAC infections common among HIV patients?
    CD4 count drops below 50
  • What does the pill container represent?
    MAC is often resistant to multiple drugs
  • Who does mycobacterium scrofulaceum commonly affect?
  • What does the beaded net held by the child represent?
    The lymphatic system
  • What does the child's neck region signify?
    Cervical region
  • What does mycobacterium scrufulasium cause in children?
    Cervical lymphadenitis
  • What does the marine worker's injury represent?
    Mycobacterium causes hand infections
  • What are the symptoms of the patient in the review question?
    Weight loss, fever, swollen neck lump
  • What does the tissue aspirate reveal in the patient case?
    Acid-fast bacilli
  • What is the likely CD4 count for the patient with HIV?
    43 cells per microliter
  • Why is mycobacterium scrufulasium less likely in the patient case?
    It is more common in children
  • What does the presence of HIV indicate in relation to MAC?
    Increased likelihood of MAC infection
  • What is the significance of the CD4 count being below 50?
    It indicates high risk for MAC infections
  • What are the key characteristics of Mycobacterium avium intracellulare (MAC)?
    • Acid fast
    • Causes disease in AIDS patients
    • Causes lymphadenitis
    • Causes fever
    • Causes night sweats
    • Causes weight loss
    • Prophylactic azithromycin when CD4 < 50
    • Often resistant to multiple drugs
  • What are the key characteristics of Mycobacterium scrufulasium?
    • Commonly affects children
    • Causes cervical lymphadenitis
  • What are the key characteristics of Mycobacterium marinum?
    • Causes hand infections in aquarium handlers
  • What are the symptoms and findings in the patient case study?
    • Weight loss
    • Fever
    • Swollen cervical lymph node
    • Acid-fast bacilli in aspirate
    • CD4 count likely < 50