3.6B Cultural erosion

Cards (3)

  • Cultural erosion = the process of a culture losing many of its core elements e.g. language, food , music, etc
  • Papa New Guinea cultural erosion:
    • Britain and Germany colonised in 1905, became independent in 1975.
    • This causes political, social and economic integration
    • Missionary activities causes the spread of religion and western ideologies and education
    • Discovery of copper caused many countries to fight over ownership of profits causing conflicts to arise
  • cultural erosion affecting the natural environment:
    • Ecosystem de-valued as sustainable shifting-cultivation abandoned for sedentary village life.
    • Employment for logging companies or hunting of animals, e.g. tree kangaroo (now endangered), for sale as bush meat in villages or Jayapura town.
    • Natural environment viewed as a resource for economic growth and higher income.
    -> resulting in over exploitation of resources