positive symptoms

Cards (5)

  • delusions?
    false belief planted by some sort of external force they have no control over (also partake in thought broadcasting- others can hear their thoughts).
  • cultural differences in relation to delusions?
    delusions differ according to culture, example America which focuses on sinister use of technology feels they're being X-rayed walking down the street but Nigeria which feels mental illness arises from evil spirits fear witches and ancestral ghosts.
  • hallucinations?
    perception of stimuli not present, can be visual or auditory. most common is hearing voices.
    • Luhrmann (2015), in some cultures voices heard were harsh and critical, others found it to be kind (symptoms of schiz vary between culture).
  • disorganised speech?
    underlying issue with conscious thought has an effect on persons language (world salad, jumbled up).
  • abnormal motor behaviour?
    agitated movement such as repeating movements again and again.
    • catatonia, not moving or responding to others.