features of schizophrenia

Cards (3)

  • onset?
    typically late teens- mid 30s. peak onset: early/mid twenties in males, late twenties in females. episodes are gradual and aren't obvious at first.
    • could be triggered by social or biological aspect of development during years or onset.
  • prevalence? (how common a disorder is)
    likelihood is between 0.7%=1%, which is influenced by racial or ethnic background, country of residence, country of birth.
    • people who experience social difficulties like poverty and unemployment are more likely to develop schiz (individual differences)
  • prognosis? (likely course)
    25% people recover and don't have another episode, 50% have recurrent episodes (symptoms free between episodes), 25% experience symptoms with no breaks.
    • average life expectancy= 10 years less than overall population average.
    • males show longer duration and higher proportion of negative symptoms than women.