3.7C Economic development and environmental impact

Cards (3)

  • Inequality is decreasing because:
    • Rapid development of many LDC's through trade and specialisation
    • FDI and TNC's help kick start economies (multiplier effect)
    • reduction in trade barriers opens up EDC markets for trade
    • employment, standard of living and income have been boosted
  • Inequality is decreasing slower than it could be because:
    • TNC profits are "leaked' back to AC
    • Exploitation from TNC's (labour and wages)
    • TNC's can stifle the multiplier effect by keeping wages low
  • Inequality history: Sweden and China
    • Sweden's income per person has risen hugely, but it's ecological footprint has not (about 8 hectares per person in both 2012 and 1972)
    • China's ecological footprint has steadily risen (about 1 hectare in 1970 to 3 in 2012), however it is still more than half less than Sweden's.
    • Since 2001, rising Chinese incomes correlate with very large increases in ecological footprint ($3,180 PPP in 2001, and $15,500 in 2016). Likewise, Sweden's PPP has risen from $29,710 in 2001 to $50,000 without very little change in ecological footprint.