social causation hypothesis

Cards (9)

  • what is the social causation hypothesis?
    suggests schiz is caused by factors within the environment (physical environment and the people within it)
  • social adversity?
    if a child grows in an environment where emotional and social needs aren't met, they're vulnerable to mental health disorders.
    • being affected by unemployment, poverty and a poorer standard of living means exposure to more stress or having less accessible treatment for schiz.
  • urbanicity?
    schiz is more associated with living in cities than rural communities.
    • Eaton (1974), city life is more stressful and long term exposure to stressors causes an episode of schiz. increase in population density means life is more competitive.
    • meta analysis by Vassos (2012), analysing 4 studies in Sweden, Netherlands and Denmark correlating location with schiz risk. Found risk was 2.37 times higher for people living in most urban environments. but correlational data is used, so we cannot prove urbanicity causes schiz (other way around?)
  • social isolation?
    Faris (1934), cultural isolation from family can cause schiz. Due to not getting feedback from others as to what thoughts are inappropriate so they will act strange
    • Faris theory is supported since prisoners in solitary confinement can develop symptoms of schiz
  • immigration and minority status?
    immigrants are at greater risk of developing schiz, could be due to increased stress like discrimination and poorer living conditions such as overcrowded housing.
    • Veling (2008), gathered data using self-report questionnaire to suggest schiz could be reaction to long term prejudice and discrimination of an out group
  • family dysfunction and childhood trauma?
    Popovich (2019) found childhood trauma makes individuals more likely to develop schiz.
    • may interact with other pre-existing risk factors like genetics to trigger schiz in vulnerable individuals
  • methodology?
    use of meta analysis means reviewing many studies, being high in validity. But use of correlations means cause and effect links cannot be established
  • evidence?
    • Vassos (2012), meta analysis of Sweden, Netherland and Denmark with 24,000 cases of schiz. risk seen is 2.37 times more likely in urban areas.
    • Velin 2008, self report questionnaires show schiz may be a reaction to long term prejudice and discrimination
    • Popovich 2019, childhood trauma means an increase in schiz risk.
  • applications?
    putting interventions in place, job opportunities, creating youth/support networks to stay social or create social clubs