cognitive treatment

Cards (4)

  • how does it work?
    by changing the way people think, abnormality is caused by errors in thinking sine thoughts influence emotions and feelings.
    • therapist will need to listen to a clients thoughts and challenge them.
  • how are thoughts changed in patient in CBT?
    • focus on present symptoms
    • look back at how the person thinks about how an event affected a person (what they felt and how they behaved)
    • challenge negative thoughts and change them to be more realistic and positive
    • person will feel better and behaviour will change
  • aim of CBT?
    reduce stress and allow them to understand their symptoms
    • cannot treat underlying cause of schiz
  • what 3 techniques does CBT follow?
    • belief modification, delusions are directly challenged
    • focusing and reattribution, helps with auditory hallucinations. therapist focuses on attributes of voices then content of voice is looked into. aims to show voices are self-generated and not to be feared
    • normalise experience of person with schiz, encouraged to look at perspective rationally. reduce fear by looking at symptoms as more normal less of a catastrophe