The Multi-Store Model

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  • Atkinson and Shiffrin proposed one of the earliest models of memory. They suggested that memory is made up of 3 distinct/ separate components/stores:
    -Sensory register
    -Short term memory(STM)
    -Long term memory(LTM)
    Each of the stores within the model differs in terms of coding, capacity and duration.
  • Each store retains a different amount of information, in a different way, and for a different length of time.
  • Encoding- the form in which the memory is retained.
  • Capacity- how much information this store can retain.
  • Duration- how long this store can retain information for.
  • Atkinson and Shiffrin envisaged memory flowing linearly through a system- this means it flows in the same 'straight line' every time in a sequential manner (in a sequence).
  • Each store is unitary- it is a single store for all of those memories.
  • The stores are independent(separate) from each other.
  • The Multi-store Model of Memory:
  • Strengths:
    P: Research support for the idea of the stores being completely separate.
    B: Baddeley found that we tend to mix up words that have similar meanings, when using our LTM, but we mix up similar sounds, when using our STM.
    S: This suggests that the research has validity and is reliable. Supports the MSM as a valid explanation of memory.
  • P: There is research support for the MSM coming from the case study of HM who developed severe amnesia following a brain injury.
    B: 1957- Milner carried out a case study into a patient called HM, who had suffered from severe and frequent epilepsy. Doctors had to remove part of his brain to ease seizures. It led to reduced seizures but he also suffered memory loss. HM was able to form STM memories but not able to form LTM memories.
    S: This suggests the existence of two separate memory stores. Therefore, this suggests MSM is a valid explanation for memory.
  • Weaknesses:
    P- A problem with the MSM is that it states there is only ONE STM store.
    B: KF suffered brain damage from a motorcycle accident, damaging his STM. KF's LTM was in fact but the verbal information element of his STM was affected.
  • MSM suggests STM is one single unit. However, KF could still process visual information normally in STM but his ability to deal with verbal information was affected.
  • This suggests that there must be at 2 types of STM store- one that processes visual information and another that processes auditory information. This shows that the MSM may not be a valid representation of memory.
  • P: An issue with the MSM is that it has a very simple explanation of rehearsal.
  • B: MSM suggests that the more you rehearse a piece of information, the more likely you are to transfer it to your LTM. Graik + Watkins found that this is not the case. They suggested that the type of rehearsal is important {Maintenance or Elaborate Rehearsal.} Maintenance Rehearsal is repeating information to keep it in your STM. While Elaborate Rehearsal is when you link new information to existing knowledge, helping it to be transferred to our LTM.
  • S: This is a major weakness because the model cannot explain the different ways of rehearsing, suggesting it is not a complete explanation of memory.