compare 3 treatments in order to see which is most effective in treating youngpeople with OCD
CBT on its own
an SSRI (sertraline) on its own
CBT and sertraline combined
required children to attend 6weekly sessions then 1 every other week (9 in total). dosage would be established and changed during clinical session. during the weeks parents would monitor which meds were taken keeping a diary
any adverse reactions would mean a change or stop in medication
CBT alone: 26 -> 14
drug alone: 23.5 -> 16.5
combination: 23.8 -> 11.2
placebo: 25.2 -> 21.5
measured by CY-BOCS (childrensyale-brown OC scale), measures severity of symptoms measured.
clearly shows CBT leads to more improvement than drugs, first line of treatment should be CBT
minimal gain can be added by including drugs where effective CBT is provided, drug may compensate for lesseffectivetherapy.
drugs require carefulmonitoring if used, SSRI's have been linked to suicidalideation in young people
early intervention= effective for children with OCD
good: large sample (112 children) and age range of average 11.7 so targetpopulation of children is reached. analysis of sample= no difference seen in groups
bad: 3 areas in the US, other countries may respond differently to CBT and medication so ethnocentricbias seen. excluded children who were co=morbid so targetpopulation not fully reached but changed in future study.
good: evaluators who assessed symptoms were trained to a reliable standard. scale used to assess symptoms were standardised, all P's used the CY- BOCS.
bad: study in 3 centres and 1 had better results in CBT- only. therapist effects can be seen here
useful since strong evidence about most effective treatments for OCD in children seen. cause and effect links can be established, showing value of clinical treatments.
findings show effectiveness of CBT and sertraline combination and usefulness of psychological therapies seen, however take into account therapy might need to be tailored to specificperson and how SSRI's can cause suicidalideation
good, CY- BOCS= accurate measurement for OCD symptoms. assessors are also blind to conditions the Ps are in, so no bias is seen and confounding variables are controlled due to removal of Ps who could have co-morbid depression or ADHD. this ensures any change was due to treatment alone. Ps also allocated randomly, and no demandcharacteristics seen as Ps in placebo were unaware the drug wasn't active
good: all Ps gave written consent and volunteered and each Ps were monitored by an assigned psychiatrist. those within the drug treatment were regularly checked and doses were changed to be protected from harm.
bad: if children already gave consent then wanted to withdraw would their parents let them? deception also seen in placebo but can be argued to be necessary, didn't exactly cause more distress